Waveny Park Engagement Session in New Canaan, CT | Liz & Paddy



I had such a great time photographing Liz and Paddy’s engagement session at Waveny Park in New Canaan, Connecticut! Due to the pandemic and the weather, we had to reschedule their session three times, but it was 100% worth the wait. The skies were gray and overcast that evening, but these two didn’t let that steal their joy! Paddy and Liz are complete naturals in front of the camera, so I know their wedding day portraits are going to be an absolute breeze!!

In 2018, Arturo and I met Liz’s sister-in-law, Lauren, at one of the weddings we were photographing that September where she was the Maid of Honor. As we were saying goodbye to Lauren that evening she said, “You two are amazing! When my sister-in-law gets engaged I’m telling her all about you guys!” Now if you don’t know, this is one of THE BEST compliments you can give a wedding photographer (or any vendor, really). Well, about a year or so later once Paddy had proposed, an email from Lauren popped into my mailbox introducing Liz and me!


Liz and Paddy had planned their annual trip to Ireland to visit his family, so he knew this would be the perfect time to propose! Their flight landed at 6am, so the two decided to stay at their favorite hotel for the first night of their vacation. After taking a short nap to offset their jet lag, Paddy causally asked Liz if she wanted to go out and explore the area. She thought nothing of his suggestion since he’s always so excited when they visit Ireland!

The pair went to one of their favorite scenic locations, Kilkee Cliffs. Liz and Paddy had fallen in love with the beautiful views of the cliffs the first time they’d visited them, which made their second trip there even more special. Not a soul was around, which meant Paddy and Liz had the views of the cliffs all to themselves! As they made their way from the car to the outlook of the cliff, Paddy turned to Liz and said, “I love you Lizzy.” She returned the sentiment, after which Paddy exclaimed, “I have a great idea!”

Before Liz realized what was happening, Paddy was down on one knee asking her to marry him! After she said yes, they drove to one of their favorite Irish towns, found a local pub, and celebrated as they called friends and family to share the news. Liz and Paddy spent their entire week in Ireland celebrating their engagement!

I’m so thankful for Lauren’s introduction last year because working with Liz and Paddy has been spectacular! These two are getting married in May at FEAST at Round Hill in Washingtonville, New York, and we cannot wait to celebrate them. Congratulations Paddy and Liz!!

When did you know you'd found "the one"?

Liz: “I honestly knew when I saw him at the restaurant I was working at on the weekends. I had only been there for about a month when I saw him. He would come in after he got out of work and he had this robust laugh and would always go upstairs to hang out with my boss (which I found out was also his good friend). I just kept wondering, ‘Who is this guy?’ He always had people around him and was so friendly, I just had to know who he was! I knew he was the one because I always wanted to be around him, his good energy, and his kindness. Besides, being so handsome was the cherry on the cake. We got along right away, and have similar personalities and interests. I can't pinpoint the exact moment I knew he was the one but I knew I didn't want to lose him every time I was with him. We grew close quickly and I can't imagine my life without him. He's my strength, best friend, partner for life, and everything in between.”

Paddy: “It was probably halfway through our first date. I've never felt such a feeling of comfort around someone I just met. As time went on that feeling grew stronger. Plus, it helps when everyone I met told me I was extremely lucky and that she had affected their life in a positive way.”

What's one thing you love about your partner?

Liz: “ONE thing?! How about I narrow down to three because I've been thinking about this a lot lately. I have to say his kindness, ability to forgive, and patience. I can be a tough cookie and no matter what at the end of the day, it's me and him and we always have the other’s back. He is so understanding and has shown through every single way how he loves me, whether it's his words or his actions. He makes me feel beautiful every single day. He helps with tedious things around the house without question and will run to do anything for me. Most importantly, he asks how my day was, helps me through stress, and is up for any adventure. We understand the power in forgiving after an argument and always loving one another no matter what comes our way. I'm proud of us for growing that way together and so quickly. I really got lucky having him for a partner and can't wait for what the future has in store for us.”

Paddy: “Her amazing ability to care about people. Lizzy goes above and beyond for people she doesn't know all that well (you should see what she does for loved ones). I’ve never met someone that cares so deeply for me. She legitimately cares about every fiber of my being. It’s extremely hard to narrow down one thing. She has so many perfect and genuine qualities, I love her for so many things it would take me a lifetime to list them all!”

Besides getting married, what is one thing you're looking forward to on your wedding day?

Liz: “Our friends and family are our LIFE. They mean the absolute world to us. Quite often we sit and say to each other, ‘Wow we really are lucky for the people in our lives. We have the best of friends.’ To be able to have those people together in one room is going to be so surreal. Our friends are from all different parts of our lives; from where we met, our high school friends, and new friends we made together. It is just going to be simply amazing. Personally, I'm excited about our first look, as well as our first dance, because our good friend is going to be singing our wedding song.”

Paddy: “I'm extremely excited to see her in her wedding dress. She is beautiful to start with so I can only imagine what she looks like in her dress. I want to see her reaction when I see her for the first time!”

What's one thing you're looking forward to about marriage?

Liz: “I am just looking forward to being able to call Paddy my husband and to officially start this fun adventure together. I'm looking forward to making the first new memories with him. I know we can get through anything and if I had to say one thing, it would be our first home and making it our own as a married couple. Paddy is extremely handy, so I am looking forward to creating something special for us and being proud of our hard work. Just knowing I have the most supportive partner, makes life seem easy and for that in itself I'm excited.”

Paddy: “In all honesty, I’m looking forward to having children with Lizzy. I know she is going to be an amazing mother. To be able to watch her interact with our kids and watch her and the kids grow together is going to be amazing.”

I hope you enjoyed this summer engagement session at Waveny Park!  Do you know Liz and Paddy?  Show them some love by commenting below!


Shaina Lee Photography is a husband and wife photography team serving Connecticut, New York, and beyond.  We specialize in timeless, elegant, and romantic weddings while celebrating all couples in love. 

Are you planning a proposal, engagement session or wedding?